A downloadable soundtrack

NOTE: I was unable to create a Soundcloud account, so I uploaded it to youtube instead LINK: 


Game Discription

Jorwyn (Pronounced "yor-win") would be a short puzzle game about a small dragon boy named Jorwyn trying to stop a nightmare from completely swallowing the world and its sleep-deprived inhabitents within. Armed with only his pan flute, he must reach the dream temple in order to ascend and remake the world in his own image, allowing the citizens of the kingdom to sleep once again.

Soundtrack Discription

The soundtrack was inspired mainly by a mixture between Tunic's OST by Lifeformed and Janice Kwan, and The Pokemon Mystery Dungeon OST (A bit from all games, though the sound mainly resembles the DS era games) by Arata Iiyoshi, Atsuhiro Ishizuna, Hideki Sakamoto, Keisuke Ito, Ryoma Nakamura, Kenichi Saito, Yasuhiro Kawagoe, and Noriko Murakami. It features atmospheric synths blended with SNES-DS era sampled instruments. It was created in LMMS, and I mainly composed by messing around and finding out!

Song Discriptions

PAN FLUTE AND DRAGON - The main theme in the game. Would play on the title screen and credits.

TAKE A REST - A theme that would play in a variety of menus, I.E. the save menu.

THE NIGHTMARE - A theme to represent the nightmare. Would play when you go around the nightmare corruption. Features the "nightmare" leitmotief.

THE SLEEPY SLEEPLESS VILLAGE - A theme for the village and its residents. Features the "village" leitmotief.

TEMPLE - A largely atmospheric theme to represent the dream temple, now corrupted by the nightmare.

ASCENTION - A song that would play as Jorwyn would ascend to becoming the dream king.

AND TO ALL A GOOD NIGHT - A song that would play after the credits, during a cutscene where the villagers would all finally be able to sleep.

Jam Theme

Most of the inspiration from the theme came out in the story and in the sound of the soundtrack. The story involves Jorwyn trying to make the world his own so that he can fix it. There was also an influence from the image used in the jam , it felt very dreamy to me, thus inspiring the whole dream part of the game.

Use Permissions

Use of this soundtrack is perfectly fine for things like background music in videos, but the soundtrack is not meant for use in personal or commercial products in other people's games/media.

Contact Info

You can contact me by emailing me at skriptkitty36prof@gmail.com (note, I don't check this email very often, but I will try to make it more of a habit during the judging period.)

Other Notes

If somehow I end up on the album that makes money, I would like to decline any revenue that may come from it. It's not about the money anyways, and I'm not currently in a situation where figuring out income can be done easily for me anyways.

Notes About Me and This Project

I will be frank, I am very much an amateur music artist. This is mainly supposed to be practice for my music creation. I do not know any music theory, and I cannot play any instruments. However I am quite proud of what I've done here! I didn't get to make all the songs I wanted due to being mostly uninspired this week (musically speaking). However I'm proud of what I did anyways! And I hope you enjoy and understand! I am excited to get some constructive criticism from people more experienced than me, and I wanted to thank you immensely for checking this out!


Skript Kitty - Pan Flute and Dragon 40 MB
Skript Kitty - Take a Rest 11 MB
Skript Kitty - The Nightmare 13 MB
Skript Kitty - The Sleepy Sleepless Village 33 MB
Skript Kitty - Temple 37 MB
Skript Kitty - Ascension 10 MB
Skript Kitty - And To All, a Good Night 21 MB


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Pan Flute And Dragon - Love that intro. Really feels like something big. Composition of the rest is quite interesting as well. The harmony is a little odd in a few points - but it works out well.

Take a Rest - It fits the name well! Chill.

The Nightmare - Again, fitting of its name. Super dark and nightmarish. 

The Sleepy Sleepless Village: A pretty chill track. A few jazz moments in there, was quite interesting haha! Definitely feels like a night time track to me.

Temple - What an ominous sound. Very atmospheric.

Ascention - Definitely an ascending feeling going on here!

Ant To All, A Good Night - Got a jazzier feeling than the other one. Then, the other orchestration kicks in. It works very nicely!